Anti-fascist, ecological, transfeminist, anti-racist:  Porco Rosso is a combative community space.

An anti-fascist An ecological A transfeminist An anti-racist A neighbourhood space

Porco Rosso is a collective laboratory of anti-fascist and anti-racist ideas and politics in the heart of Palermo, Sicily. We are part of the national ARCI network.

Our doors have been open to everyone for 10 years. In 2016 we began our ‘Sans-Papiers’ project, a weekly drop-in aimed at supporting both migrants and local people in difficult legal and social situations,  defending rights and freedoms.

Our transfeminist assembly began in 2020, which applies feminist practice and thought to support our struggle against all forms of domination.

For us, social and political struggle means collaborating with other local organizations, including the Anti-Racist Forum and the neighborhood organization “SOS Ballarò” — which contributed to the founding of “Sbaratto”, a group that co-manages the local market area.

Our space provides a home and meeting place for a range of local groups and collective movements, whose presence and activism contributes to a rich exchange of ideas and common political practices.

Porco Rosso represents a vital space for both the present and the coming future. We believe in the importance of creating networks and are committed to forming communities and political movements built on trust in order to defend the rights of everyone.

Our initiatives

Our space promotes and is crossed daily by experiences, projects and initiatives to undo the injustices of our society and build the world of the future: anti-racist, ecological, feminist, inclusive.

The Sans-Papiers drop-in: a story of community.

The drop-in sans papiers is a listening and a collaborating space, formed in 2016 in the heart of  palermo, Sicily. 

We are a fixed point of reference for many people on the move passing through our city, as well as for many long-term inhabitants of the neighborhood

Our work as a community starts from the public square on our own doorstep:, a complex, diverse social context in which we intervene whenever  a group of people are excluded or marginalized, always working together with those directly impacted by the changes surrounding us. We are commited to a wider struggle in defense of human rights, for freedom of movement and in opposition to any form of racism, through the construction of common networks of solidarity.

The drop-in is open every Wednesday from 15:30 to 18:30.

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Arci Porco Rosso

Our contacts


Piazza Casa Professa 1 - 90134 - Palermo

© Arci Porco Rosso – 2021

Piazza Casa Professa 1 – 90134 – Palermo | C.F. 97244680829